Tag Archives: beading

Kerrie Slade’s Snappy Safari Rings Featured in Bead and Button Magazine!

Kerrie Slade, one of our Design Team members has done us proud once more! Her blog shared her news about her wonderful Snappy Safari rings being featured in the October issue of the Bead and Button magazine.

kerrie slade safari rings

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Kerrie Slade’s Beaded Kazuri Kritters in Bead & Button Magazine!

Remember Kerrie Slade’s amazing beaded Kazuri button animals we featured a while back? Well, this Design Team member wanted to write a tutorial for them so others could make their own. However, Kerrie explained on her blog that “The pins were originally going to be published as a project in Bead and Button, but it was later discovered that they are not as simple as they perhaps look and so they are not really suitable for a project.”

beaded Kazuri Kritters

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